Monday, September 05, 2011

Stop Animal Abuse In Malaysia : Online Petition

Stop Animal Abuse In Malaysia : Online Petition:

Animal abuse is increasingly rampant in Malaysia, with senseless abuses and killings by local councils and cold-blooded people. We must act NOW, and act FAST.

Let's play a role in stopping animal abuse and cruelty! We aim to collect 50,000 signatures ASAP and present it to our Prime Minister.

Please sign the joint online petition by leading Malaysian animal welfare NGOs, and show how much you care about the animals. Spread the word to your friends too.

Together, we can make a difference.

Sign Petition Now:

Friday, September 02, 2011

Farm To Fridge

WARNING - This video has scenes that may disturb some viewers. The video portrays the cruel industries of meat, eggs and milk including slaughter. It is important that people see the source of their animal products so they can make an informed choice and help stop this cruelty.